De Kuyper Grenadine is a rich and intense syrup made of pomegranates. Due to its high content of fruit juice, the grenadine syrup does not compete with other syrup producers on the market. De Kuyper Grenadine Syrup is scarlet coloured and is most often used as a colourer or sweetener in cocktails – but you can also just mix the syrup with some soda water to get a refreshing drink. Thanks to the vicious consistence of the syrup, amazing colours can be achieved in cocktails. The grenadine syrup is one of the only products in the range of De Kuyper that is alcohol-free.

De Kuyper Grenadine Sirup
This sunset-red Grenadine syrup from De Kuyper is made from red currants and pomegranates, which can add a defined sweetness and a ruby hue to a cocktail or two.
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